Favorite economic analysts of Frederick N. Chase:

Of course, many of the best analysts charge very large amounts of money for their thinking, but a number of analysts are more generous, perforce or, in rare cases, by choice. A few of these best analysts are


Descriptive tags

Examples and Libraries

(When a web directory is given, choose the file with the most plusses +++...)

Michael Hudson

FIRE, neoliberals, rentier,Non-Orthodox

http://chasegalleryconnect.org/FNC_C/Data/Personal Finance, Investing, Estates, Retirement/Tools&Techniques/Personae/ANOTHER,FOFOA,FOFOA/

Doug Casey

Asset Protection

Ray Dalio

Long (Kondratieff) Wave cycle

Kyle Bass

5-year investment opportunities – Hedge Fund management

ANOTHER, FOA (friend of ANOTHER), & FOFOA (friend of friend of ANOTHER)

Money, Freegold,Non-Orthodox


Steve Keen



Henry C.K. Liu

world, historical

Central Bank Impotence Henry C.K. Liu, H.C.K. Liu at Asia Times

Peter Schiff

markets, future_economy

Was Right 2006 - 2007

Antal Fekete


Antal E. Fekete, Annotated Antal

Willem Buiter


http://blogs.ft.com/maverecon/ Former Bank of England policy maker. Will join Citigroup Inc. as its chief economist Dec 2009.

Marc Faber

world, Historical, Asia, Markets

James Conrad


The Manipulation of Gold Prices His Seeking Alpha blog

Elaine Meinel Supkis

visionary, iconoclastic, cassandra, money,Non-Orthodox

Culture of Life News

Ron Paul

money, USA

Karl Denninger

Detailed Analysis, crap detector

Stephen S. Roach

markets, commodities

F. William Engdahl

future_economy, current_history

www.globalresearch.ca http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=listByAuthor&authorFirst=%20F.%20William&authorName=Engdahl

Mike Whitney

visionary, iconoclastic

Laurence Kotlikoff

GovtAccounting, Non-Orthodox

August 2006 'Is the United States Bankrupt?'

Murray Rothbard

austrian_school, Non-Orthodox

http://www.murrayrothbard.com/ The Future of Austrian Economics

Jude Wanniski


Jim Sinclair, Eric Sprott, Bill Murphy, John Embry


Ambrose Evans-Pritchard


Startling praise from Elaine Meinel-Supkis: “Evans-Pritchard is one of the very best economic writers in Britain if not the entire world. He is astute and hard-hitting. I screw up periodically, I seldom see him screw up things. ”

Nouriel Roubini

visionary, markets



Paul Mylchreest


Wrote the famous Chevreux Report January 2006 “Remonetisation of gold: Start Hoarding” and the “brilliant report on gold for Redburn Partners”.

Eric deCarbonnel

clear_thinking articulate

How Deflation creates HyperInflation ; How Deflation Creates Hyperinflation

Michel Chossudovsky



Gerald Celente

alert, grounded visionary


Others credibly recommended to Frederick N. Chase

Here is my list of some of the best analysts whom I've excluded.

They are successful investors in their own right or charge very large amounts of money for their thinking.

They are not interested in informing the public: they are people who talk their book or don't talk, publicly.